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Before you come to know the importance of Alexa rank for your SERPs rank, it is crucial to understand what it actually is? Basically, Alexa is a sort of new revolution among the marketers, as it is an intelligent personal assistant, which is developed by the Amazon to compare the popularity or rank of your website relative to other sites. It is very popular among the marketers for many years and results it provides help the marketers to know the online reputation of websites. It is intelligent assistance that keeps the data of a number of websites and ranks it as per their popularity. Now you know what it actually is, so, it's time to dig deeply into its importance. Let's get started.
- It is a great measure to compare websites and is mainly used for assessing traffic, which is essential to increase the rate of conversion.
- Your Google ranking can affect your Alexa Ranking; therefore, it is important for you to maintain your high position on the very first page to get expected outcomes of your efforts.
- As it shows the ranking of your website as per its popularity, so, it makes it easier for you and other marketers to understand the actual potential of your company.
- Also, increase in Alexa rank may put a positive impact on increasing the ranking of your website among different search engines, which automatically pull in the flood of traffic and increases the rate of conversion.
- The Alexa Rank puts a very positive impact on your company and your brand among people and gives a boost to your credibility in the market.
- It measures all the web pages and traffic on websites in the same way.
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Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Gunjan_Singh
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9823293